Recipe Dr. Ştefan Stângaciu – the chairman of the Romanian Society of Apitherapy
-it is notified by The Institute of Food Bioresources Bucharest-
- bee bread/maiden wax,
- royal jelly,
- drone larvae (apilarnil),
- propolis,
- honey,
- pollen
Cocktailul apicol este un amestec armonios din miere, polen, păstură, propolis, apilarnil, lăptișor de matcă și armurariu. Are un conținut ridicat de proteine vegetale, aminoacizi, esențiali, enzime, fermenți naturali, carbohidrați, fibre alimentare , pro- și prebiotice, vitamine , minerale și microelemente atât de necesare menținerii sănătății noastre.
Miere, polen, păstură, propolis, apilarnil, lăptișor de matcă, armurariu
Supliment alimentar.
The cocktail for children contains:
- honey (a specific type for children)
- raw pollen – frozen,
- propolis ( powder and/or greasy extract)
- drone larvae (apilarnil)
- royal jelly
The cocktail for children contains:
- honey (a specific type for children)
- raw pollen – frozen,
- propolis ( powder and/or greasy extract)
- drone larvae (apilarnil)
- royal jelly
The cocktail for women contains:
- honey (poliflora)
- raw pollen – frozen,
- propolis, propolis tincture
- royal jelly
The cocktail for women contains:
- honey (poliflora)
- raw pollen – frozen,
- propolis, propolis tincture
- royal jelly
It contains:
bee venom,
royal jelly,
aloe vera,
horse tail etc.
(Română) Produsul Laptisor de matca este bogat mai ales in hormoni si precursori hormonali, vitamine (complex B, A, C, E), aproximativ 20 aminoacizi, acizi grasi, steroli, compusi cu fosfor, acetilcolina.
It is the most important food of the larvae and the queen.
Royal jelly is secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of young working bees (nurse bees) to feed the larvae of working bees and drones during the first three days after the hatching out of the egg. It is also the exclusive food for the larvae of queens and then, for the queens, throughout all their life.
Due to its exceptional composition (proteins, lipids, glucides, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, minerals, specific vital factors, substances with the role of biocatalysts in the process of regeneration of cells), royal jelly forewarns and treats a series of diseases, but it also has an important role for the regeneration of the body.
(Română) Ambalaj, prezentare: Flacon 100 ml