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Rapeseed honey is obtained from Brasica napus, an oleaginous plant which has covered big surfaces lately. Rapeseed honey is harvested in May if it proceeds from autumn sowing.

20.00lei 18.60lei

Rapeseed honey is obtained from Brasica napus, an oleaginous plant which has covered big surfaces lately. Rapeseed honey is harvested in May if it proceeds from autumn sowing.

35.00lei 29.50lei

Therapeutical features: Poliflora honey results from the nectar of flowers of several plants, none of them being prevalent.
That is why, its taste and colour may be different. It is considered a type of “complete” honey, being recommended for various diseases most often.

32.00lei 29.05lei

Lime honey is one of the most requested types of honey. It has a strong flavour of lime, like a fresh perfume, yellow-golden reflexes, sometimes greenish, anyway its colour is light and it is more fluid.

35.00lei 32.59lei


Mierea de salcam este un excelent tonic pentru copii, convalescenti, pentru intarirea sistemului imunitar si pentru gravide.

55.00lei 49.60lei

Therapeutical characteristics: Poliflora honey results from the nectar of flowers of several plants, none of them being prevalent. That is why, its taste and colour may be different. It is considered a type of “complete” honey, being recommended for various diseases most often.

18.00lei 17.60lei

Lime honey is one of the most requested types of honey. It has a strong flavour of lime, like a fresh perfume, yellow-golden reflexes, sometimes greenish, anyway its colour is light and it is more fluid.

20.00lei 19.84lei

(Română) Mierea de mană (miere de brad, miere de rouă) provine din sucurile dulci (mana) recoltate de albine de pe anumite părţi ale plantelor (altele decât glandele nectarifere), sucuri rezultate în urma metabolismului unor insecte (afide, psilide, coccide sau lecanide) care parazitează anumite specii de plante (arbori şi arbuşti), consumă seva şi excretă mana.

30.00lei 28.34lei

(Română) Dintre numeroasele tipuri de miere, fiecare cu proprietatile ei specifice, mierea de salcam este un tonic general, care calmeaza tusea si este folosita in tratarea asteniei si nevrozelor.
Mierea de salcam contine vitaminele B1, B2, B6, B12, enzime, flavoane, flavonoide, compusi aromatici, fitohormoni, acizi organici (lactic, oxalic, citric, malic), dextrina, compusi ai azotului.
Aceasta are un continut in fructoza mai mare decat al celorlalte tipuri de miere (41,7%) si contine 10% zaharoza si maltoza si 34,7% glucoza, avand pH-ul 4. In total, mierea de salcam contine 435 substante.
Mierea de salcam este monoflora, ceea ce inseamna ca a fost culeasa in marea majoritate de la o singura specie de planta – in acest caz din salcam.

30.00lei 26.92lei