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Recipe Dr. Ştefan Stângaciu – the chairman of the Romanian Society of Apitherapy
-it is notified by The Institute of Food Bioresources Bucharest-


  • bee bread/maiden wax,
  • royal jelly,
  • drone larvae (apilarnil),
  • propolis,
  • honey,
  • pollen
70.00lei 63.77lei


Cocktailul apicol este un amestec armonios din miere, polen, păstură, propolis, apilarnil, lăptișor de matcă și armurariu. Are un conținut ridicat de proteine vegetale, aminoacizi, esențiali, enzime, fermenți naturali, carbohidrați, fibre alimentare , pro- și prebiotice, vitamine , minerale și microelemente atât de necesare menținerii sănătății noastre.


Miere, polen, păstură, propolis, apilarnil, lăptișor de matcă, armurariu
Supliment alimentar.

69.50lei 54.55lei


Miere, polen, păstură, propolis, apilarnil, lăptișor de matcă, armurariu
Supliment alimentar.
40.00lei 31.17lei

(Română) Continut: Miere si pasture

17.00lei 16.08lei

Recommendations: The main recommendations of bee bread are for children’s food and those people who suffer from one or several serious diseases in the area of the digestive tube (ulcer, tumour, cirrhosis, etc.) and as a result, they can’t digest propolis accordingly.

48.00lei 43.64lei

Recommendations: The main recommendations of bee bread are for children’s food and those people who suffer from one or several serious diseases in the area of the digestive tube (ulcer, tumour, cirrhosis, etc.) and as a result, they can’t digest propolis accordingly.Recommendations: The main recommendations of bee bread are for children’s food and those people who suffer from one or several serious diseases in the area of the digestive tube (ulcer, tumour, cirrhosis, etc.) and as a result, they can’t digest propolis accordingly.

215.00lei 195.55lei

Recommendations: The main recommendations of bee bread are for children’s food and those people who suffer from one or several serious diseases in the area of the digestive tube (ulcer, tumour, cirrhosis, etc.) and as a result, they can’t digest propolis accordingly.

28.00lei 24.66lei