Bee Bread is recommended especially to those people who suffer from one or several serious diseases in the area of the digestive tube (ulcer, tumour, cirrhosis), people who cannot digest pollen accordingly.
Maiden wax is sourer than pollen due to its maturation, but it is easier to digest by the human body because of the fact that the “effervescence” or “maturation” in the honeycomb is a “pre-digestion”.
Bee Bread is more than food.
Apitherapists say it is tantamount to pollen to: pollen / maiden wax – 3/1. (namely, for example: 300 grams of pollen are equivalent to 100 grams of maiden wax).
Diseases of nutrition and metabolism: anorexia (absence of appetite) (Schmidt, 1984), diabetes, decrese of the energetic metabolism, dystrophies (Popescu, 1983, dystrophy at children with oligophrenia), intoxications, malnutrition, obesity, underfeeding because of different causes: diseases of the digestive apparatus: oesophagus, oesophagian stenosis (adjuvant); stomach: after gastrectomy (adjuvant), gastric cancer, gastritis, gastro-enteritis, gastro-colic fistula (adjuvant), gastric ptosis, gastric ulcer, gastro-duodenal ulcer, pyloric stenosis (adjuvant); diseases of the duodenum: parasitosis, duodenal ulcer (Hotoboc and Chira, 1987);
Liver diseases: diseases of the liverish cells, alcoholism, chronic diseases of the liver, liverish cirrhosis, atrophic cirrhosis, liverish congestion, acute dystrophy of the liver, hepatitis, toxic hepatitis, chronic hepatitis (Olariu and the collaborators, 1981, 1982, 1983), liverish insufficiency, liverish steatosis (greasy impregnation of the liver);
Diseases of the biliary vesicle: biliary lithiasis, mechanical jaundice (adjuvant); diseases of the small intestine: diarrhoea, acute enterocolitis, chronic enterocolitis, enteritis, entero-colic fistula (adjuvant), gastro-enteritis, parasitosis;
Diseases of the large intestine: cancer of the large intestine, colibacillosis, colitis, colitis of effervescence, colitis of putrefaction, spastic colitis, ulcerous colitis, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhoea, acute enterocolitis, chronic enterocolitis, entero-colic fistula (adjuvant), flatulence, parasitosis, recto-colitis.
Genital and sexual diseases: adenoma of prostate, diseases of breasts, prostate cancer, dysmenorrhoea, benign hypertrophy of the prostate (Hayashi and the collaborators, 1986), masculine infertility, inflammation of the prostate and seminal vesicles (Guemez Diaz, 1975, 1989), inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) (ask-upmark, 1967), chronic prostatitis (Denis, 1966), decrease of the sexual desire, decrease of the sexual dynamics, premenopause syndrome, disorders of the period, disorders of pregnancy;
Diseases of the urinary apparatus/bladder: colibacillosis, renal diseases, urinary infections; in allergies: ragweed polinosis (Feinberg, 1940; Maurer and Straus, 1961);
Haemorrhagic diseases: anaemia (certain types) (Gheorghieva and Vasiliev, 1983; Li Shi-Yuan, 1995), iron deficiency anaemia (Popescu Filofteia, 1988), hyperlipidemia (excessive fat in the blood) (Gheorghieva and Vasiliev, 1975);
Cardiovascular diseases: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, cerebral atherosclerosis, liverish congestion, phlebitis, capillary brittleness, haemorrhage of vascular origin, cardiac insufficiency, slowing down of the peripherical blood circulation, varicose ulcer, milkleg.
Diseases of the respiratory apparatus: angina, bronchitis, angina, bronchial asthma, allergical rhinitis (hay fever), chronic cough, cold;
Oncological diseases: in chemotherapy, gynaecological cancer (as an adjuvant, during cobalt-therapy) (Hernuss and the collaborators, 1975), mammary tumors at mice with c3h (experimental) (Robinson, 1948);
Diseases of the immunity system: allergies, fever, cold, weakening of the immunity system;
Diseases of the nervous system: vertigo of neurological origin, anxiety, cerebral stroke (adjuvant), depressive mood, insomnia, irritability, migraines, neurasthenia, neurosis, syndrome of chronic tiredness, mental disorders;
Endocrine diseases: thyroidian goitre, small breasts, decrease of the tonus of breasts, menopause syndrome, sexual weakness, menstrual disorders;
Eye diseases: vertigo of ophthalmological origin, eyesight disorders;
Diseases of the osteo – muscular system: arthritis, abdominal hernia (adjuvant), disorders of growth, rickets, rheumatism; psychiatry: oligophrenia (Popescu, 1983, Oligophrenia with children), schizophrenia (Kutko and the collaborators, 1997; Pollen and Honey);
Diseases of the skin: acnea, diseases of the skin, hair and nails, irradiation diseases, hair loss, eczema, thin hair, rough skin, dry skin, low tonus of the skin, disorders of nail growth, varicose ulcer, fragile nails;
Diseases of the third age: anorexia, atherosclerosis, depressive mood, hyperlipidemia, arterial high blood pressure, dry skin, mental disorders, varicose ulcer;
Diseases of the whole body: requiring effort (Avrămoiu and the collaborators, 1976; Pollen and Honey; Mateescu, 1997), alcoholism, postoperative convalescence, fever, intoxications, radiotherapy, distorted general mood, global malnutrition, traumatic shocks; in pediatrics: anaemia, anorexia, difficulties in learning, oligophrenia, rickets, allergical rhinitis (hay fever), mental disorders.
PhD Engineer: Cornelia Dostetan (Abalaru)